Нужна схема проводки генератор Smart Forfour 454


Добрый день,

Нигде найти не могу схему на данный авто:


Нужна схема проводки генератор и везде где он участвует(хотя бы до блока предов).

Новый генератор, зарядки нету, видимо есть ещё компоненты кто за зарядку отвечает.

У меня нету, просил в телеге группе, чёт не нашлось ни у кого.. и там человек с онлайном пробовал смотреть, тоже нету. Сказал видимо каких то прав доступа к стартам нету… хз в гугле уже раз 10 садился искать, ни разу один в один не нашёл.. может и ищу не так не знаю..
Как ремонтируете?

Позже скину.
Если честно то не так часто нужно. Я же не в мерс центре. А по всем маркам держать это ппц.. хотя мысли посещали уже, буду благодарен если подскажете последнюю оффлайн версию рабочую, что именно искать, а не качать все что попало.. да и на мерс как то находится обычно, а тут засада какая то со смартом, инфы очень мало

Спасибо буду ждать.

Вариант схемы с пометкой U75 - для бензина.

GF54.15-P-1255-21FGFuse and relay box relay assignment

Assignment of fuse and relay module (K40/1) for vehicle electrical center (front side)
1 to 44Fuse sockets
K40/1Fuse and relay module
K40/1AElectrical connector
K40/1BElectrical connector
K40/1CElectrical connector
K40/1DElectrical connector
K40/1EElectrical connector
A to URelay sockets

Assignment of fuse and relay module (K40/1) for vehicle electrical center (rear side)
K40/1Fuse and relay module
K40/1FElectrical connector
K40/1GElectrical connector
K40/1HElectrical connector
K40/1JElectrical connector
K40/1KElectrical connector

PositionRelaySwitched function
AK40/1kAPower window relay
BK40/1kBHorn relay
CK40/1kCFuel pump 2 relay
DK40/1kDRear fog lamps relay
EK40/1kEStarter relay
FK40/1kFGasoline/diesel engine relay
GK40/1kGPreexcitation alternator
HK40/1kHFan stage 1 relay
IK40/1kIFog lamp relay (with code (V07) Front fog lamps (FFO))
JK40/1kJHeater relay
KK40/1kKFuel pump 1 relay
LK40/1kLTransmission relay
MK40/1kMTrailer hitch bridge (with code (E50) Trailer hitch)
NK40/1kNFree (backup relay)
OK40/1kOFan stage 2 relay
PK40/1kPHCS [SCA] relay (with code (V43) Headlamp cleaning system (FFO))
QK40/1kQRear window defroster relay
RK40/1kRHeated seats bridge (with code (S17) Heated seats (FFO))
SK40/1kSLow beam relay
TK40/1kTHigh beam relay
UK40/1kUThrottle valve relay (only with engine 134.910, 135.930/950)
реле G -реле возбуждения.

не понятно что там мотор управляет, надо описание читать.
GF15.40-P-0001FFPower supply from the on-board electrical system, function22.2.06

ENGINE122.9, 134.9, 135.9 in MODEL 454.0

1Pre-excitation electrical circuit
2Vehicle power supply voltage
3Charging current
4Load condition of alternator
5Requirement of the motor electronics control unit
A1Instrument cluster
A1e5Alternator charge indicator/warning lamp
K40/1Fuse and relay module
K40/1kGPreexcitation alternator
N3/10Motor electronics control unit

For a running engine the alternator supplies the on-board electrical system with electrical energy and charges the battery. The alternator generates the three-phase current for this which is rectified.
When switching on ignition (terminal 15) the voltage is applied at connection D+ of the alternator.
The charge control/warning lamp in the pre-excitation electrical circuit lights up. After starting the engine the alternator, driven via a poly-V-belt, generates the pre-excitation current self-sufficiently. When the earth potential disappears the charge control/warning lamp goes out. The alternator supplies current to the battery and the on-board electrical system via connection B+.
The alternator voltage is just slightly less than the gassing voltage of the battery. This means that adequate charging is achieved and damage to the battery through overcharging is prevented.
Regulation of the alternator takes place via the integrated electronics dependent on:
  • Engine speed
  • Vehicle power supply voltage
  • Requirement of the motor electronics control unit
The on-board power supply voltage is directly detected by the alternator electronics and evaluated.
The motor electronics control unit transmits its requirements in the form of a voltage signal to the alternator.
Voltage > 5 V: regulating voltage 14.2 V
Voltage < 5 V: regulating voltage 12.8 V
The status of the current operating rate of the alternator is transmitted via a data line to the motor electronics control unit.
The signal can be read out using an oscilloscope. It is, however, not possible to make any statement about the current operating rate since no fixed pulse width exists.

из описания видим, что генератор общается с моторником , и получает инфу по запросу.

имеет внешнее возбуждение
GF15.40-P-2000FFComponent description for the alternator22.2.06

ENGINE122.9, 134.9, 135.9 in MODEL 454.0


Shown on engine 135
AConnection for signal lines
B+Battery positive

For engine 134 and 135 the alternator is located at the right front in the engine compartment.
For engine 122 the alternator is located at the right on the engine, in the area of the front axle carrier.
Assignment connection for signal lines
  • Drive control terminal:
Signal for alternator operating rate to motor electronics control unit (N3/10)
  • L-terminal:
Preexcitation of the alternator, control of the alternator charge indicator/warning lamp (A1e5)
  • S-terminal
Sensor line for alternator directly to circuit 30
  • G-terminal:
Charging voltage request from motor electronics control unit
The alternator supplies sufficient energy to the on-board electrical system for all occurring rotational speeds during driving and thus guarantees the on-board electrical supply and charging of batteries (G1).
The alternator is designed as an alternator with integrated regulation.
Functional principle
Voltage generation in the alternator is based on the principle of induction. If a magnetic field changes in a conducting loop (coil or winding) an electrical voltage is induced in the conducting loop. If a coil has a rotating magnetic field running through it with a north and south pole then a sinusoidal AC voltage is generated.
The AC voltage is rectified using diodes.

In the case of an alternator one differentiates between the electrical circuits:
pre-excitation electrical circuit
The pre-excitation electrical circuit builds up a magnetic field in the excitation winding after switching on the ignition
(terminal 15). After starting the engine the alternator provides the excitation function itself.
When the excitation current is flowing the alternator charge indicator/warning lamp goes out.
In the case of a defect alternator charge indicator/warning lamp or line interruption no preexcitation takes place since the pre-excitation electrical circuit is interrupted.
Excitation current circuit
The excitation current builds up the magnetic field in the excitation current of the rotor.
Charge current circuit
The charge current circuit supplies the on-board electrical system with electrical energy.
Regulation of the alternator takes place by means of the integral electronics depending on the rotational speed, on-board power supply voltage and request from the motor electronics control unit.
The on-board power supply voltage is directly detected by the alternator electronics and evaluated.
The motor electronics control unit transmits its requirements in the form of a voltage signal to the alternator.
Voltage > 5 V: regulating voltage 14.2 V
Voltage < 5 V: regulating voltage 12.8 V
If there is a problem (e.g. line interruption) the alternator cannot deliver its full output.
Operating rate feedback
The signal operating rate feedback it readable using an oscilloscope. It is, however, not possible to make any statement about the current operating rate since no fixed puls
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