ошибка в блоке сидения B221C96 223/206

Mulei Nzila

Hi, i’m having trouble with same error B221C96 and the driver seat can’t adjust on mercedes w223. Can you please provide me with the solution you used? Can you help me remotely if it’s software update?


  • IMG_1441.png
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тоже на столе такой же блок с ошибкой по правому b221c96. .Подключил монакой - блок на связи. Софты те же самые не льются.
Проверил все мосфеты - в порядке. Остается либо процессор (кстати нашел кто по нем инфу? нмчего не могу найти) либо в микросхеме питания проца TLE9262QX, в ней же кан и лин (буду проверять позже)


  • tle.JPG
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Последние изменения:
лог записи
перед флешированием открывал расширенную сессию


  • flash.txt
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в какой строке об этом?
2025-02-24 12:15:54  Exception of StartSecureDiagSessionMCDError: JobError occured. [ErrId: 52912/40278] Position: ChangeAuth > MCDError: JobError occured .10060 Position: job started > common error see description for details > Could not initialize ZenZefi. Please check configuration. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.daimler.cebas.zenzefi.client.api.IZenZefi.checkVersion()Lcom/daimler/cebas/zenzefi/client/modelV2/Version; > common error see description for details > The job ChangeAuthenticatedState failed logId: 195373DD501 > common error see description for details > Error executing service: StartSecureDiagSession
пролили счас блок оба флеша. С сертами
Не помогло
Вот что пишет монако по этой ошибке
Переименовать из txt в архив ZIP


  • UDS_CAN_INT_PSM_P206_DTC.txt
    3.9 KB · Просмотров: 7
суко, бляха...

Ein interner Fault im Sitzsteuergerät ist vorhanden. (Hardware). Es liegt ein interner Komponentenfehler vor.

Engineering Notes1) NVRAM / EE defekt 2) Hardwareveriegelung defekt 3) RAM ECC Fehler 4) Steuergerät ROM defekt 5) DataFlash ROM defekt 6) Releaisfehler 7) HW Verriegelung Sitzheizung defekt. Fehler führen zum Reset.Attribute to describe additional information related to the DTC.
Customer Perception / SymptomSitzverstellung / Sitzheizung Funktion eingeschränkt oder keine FunktionDescription how the implication of the fault may be recognized by the customer (e.g. "headlamps commanded on when the bus network is not communicating").
Possible CausesSG Hardware defektIndicates the most probable recognizable cause of the failure in the ECU in order from most probable to least probable. At least, it is required to provide the most probable reason.
Repair ActionSitzSG tauschenDescription of action required for possible fault repair or further fault analysis. The description shall include information what needs to be checked or replaced (e.g. "Check circuit and sensor element"),
Enable ConditionsSG aktivDTC specific criteria that must be met in order to begin the failure detection process. Failure detection process includes checking Mature Conditions (Mature Threshold, Mature Time).
Mature Threshold1) NVRAM / EE defekt: Wenn NVRAM Datenvergleich 3 mal hintereinander (jede Sekunde) fehlerhalft 2) Hardwareveriegelung defekt: Prüfung der HW-Verriegelung für Verstellung 4 mal hintereinander fehlerhaft 3) RAM ECC Fehler: Nach 8 maliger Wiederholung ECC Prüfung Fehler noch vorhanden 4) Steuergerät ROM defekt: Nach 8 maliger Wiederholung bei Checksummen- und ECC-Prüfung Fehler noch vorhanden 5) DataFlash ROM defekt: Nach 8 maliger Wiederholung bei Checksummen-Prüfung Fehler noch vorhanden 6) Releaisfehler: Bei 8 erkannte Fehlern 7) HW Verriegelung Sitzheizung defekt: Prüfung der HW-Verriegelung für Sitzheizung 5 mal hintereinander fehlerhaft.Defined as the failure threshold required to detect and set an “active” DTC with “TestFailed” bit set to TRUE.
Mature Time (Value, Unit)Entprellung 8 Fehler (8x RESET)Defined as the time required to detect and set an “active” DTC with “TestFailed” bit set to TRUE.
Monitor TypeContinuousDefines the DTC monitoring strategy that is defined for the DTC: - Continuous: ECU monitors a failure with a predefined rate (e.g.: every 10 ms the circuit is checked for a short to ground condition). - Latching: ECU monitors a failure with a predefined rate (e.g.: every 10 ms the circuit is checked for a short to ground condition) up to the point of setting an active failure. Once an active failure is set for the drive cycle, the ECU disables fault checking until the next drive cycle. This shall only be used if a waiver has been granted. - On-Demand (Continuous): ECU continuously monitors a failure when a device is commanded in a specific state (e.g.: ECU checks for a short to ground when the device is commanded on). - On-Demand (Latching): ECU checks for a failure when a device is commanded in a specific state but disables changes in DTC state after a DTC is confirmed the Operation Cycle. - Non-continuous:
Monitor Rate (Value, Unit)10-50 msSpecifies the value (e.g. "500") and the unit of the sample time (e.g. "ms").
Number of Trips - Active0Indicates the number of trips required setting an "active" DTC (e.g. "1", "2", etc...) If the DTC does not support pending, the field shall be set to "1".
De-mature CriteriaNach Hardwaretausch Fehler behoben.Criteria used to determine that a failure condition is no longer present (DTC status “confirmed and not active”).
De-mature Time (Value, Unit)sofortDefined as the time to determine that a failure condition is no longer present (DTC status “confirmed and not active”).
Limp-in ActionkeineCorrective or failsafe action taken by the ECU when a faulted condition is present (e.g. "default the headlamps on", "disable output driver").
Operation CycleDEM_POWER (Power ON / OFF Cycle)Defines the Operation Cycle ( DEM_IGNITION (Ignition ON / OFF Cycle), DEM_OBD_DCY (OBD Driving Cycle), DEM_POWER (Power ON / OFF Cycle), DEM_WARMUP (OBD Warm up Cycle)) which have to be active to mature the specific DTC.
Warning Indicatornot activeFlag used to indicate if the "Warning Indicator Requested On" bit is supported for specific DTC. 0 = Warning Indicator not supported 1 = Warning Indicator supported
Healing Cycles100
Self-Healing Counter100Indicates the number of ignition cycles to pass before a stored DTC will be removed from the chrono-stack. The default value may only be changed if a waiver for deviation from this value has been granted (e.g. for OBD-II modules). (Mandatory for the DEM software component)
DTC Passed Threshold128
DTC Failed Threshold127
DTC Debouncing AlgorithmInternal (Counter Based)Configuration of DEM internal debounce algorithm (counter based or timer based).
DTC Debounce Failed Timeout Value0Defines the time out duration in ms for "Event Failed" qualification.
DTC Debounce Passed Timeout Value0Defines the time out duration in ms for "Event Passed" qualification.
DTC Storage Condition Group ValueECU LevelThis parameter identifies the Storage Condition Group the corresponding DTC is assigned to. 0 --> StorageConditionGroup: ECU Level 1 --> StorageConditionGroup: Network Communication 2 --> StorageConditionGroup: Power Distribution 6 --> StorageConditionGroup: No Check 8 --> StorageConditionGroup: Network Communication - timeout monitoring without Clamp 15
DTC Debounce Mature Step Size1This parameter defines the steps size for the incrementation of the DTC specific debounce counter.
DTC Debounce Demature Step Size1This parameter defines the steps size for the decrementation of the DTC specific debounce counter.
DTC Error NameSitz_SG_HW_defektThe DTC Error Name allows to author a text for a DTC which is alternatively used by the DEM code generator in case the DTC error text is not unique and therefore causes compiler errors. This may happen if error texts of different DTCs match in a certain number of characters. Beside the DTC numbers the DEM code generator uses the error texts to create #defines. Some compilers cut the #defines during compilation which then might lead to multiple expressions and therefore to a compiler error. The author has the opportunity to insert an error name which shall not exceed a number of 31 characters.
DTC Relevant for Bus Physical StatusNoFlag that indicates whether the DTC represents a BusOff DTC or Bus Electrical DTC and has therefore an impact on Storage Condition 8 (Bus Physical Status).
ASR SWC DataElement RefPath to the system description data element which corresponds to the CANdela object. It is set by SWC Sync and avaluated by DEXT export.
ASR SWC ServiceDependency RefPath to the system description service dependency that is related to the CANdela DTC. It is set by SWC Sync and evaluated by DEXT export.
Template serviceFalseDefault value is False = service is not defined by a template True if the service is defined in a template.
MethodTbDWho When Why

копи-паста мля.
  1. NVRAM / EE defekt
  2. Hardwareveriegelung defekt
  3. RAM ECC Fehler
  4. Steuergerät ROM defekt
  5. DataFlash ROM defekt
  6. Releaisfehler
  7. HW Verriegelung Sitzheizung defekt. Fehler führen zum Reset.

  1. Неисправность NVRAM/EE
  2. аппаратный замок неисправен
  3. Ошибка ОЗУ ECC
  4. Неисправность ПЗУ блока управления
  5. Неисправность ПЗУ DataFlash
  6. ошибка реле
  7. Неисправен подогрев сиденья HW-замка. Ошибки приводят к сбросу.

  1. NVRAM / EE defekt: Wenn NVRAM Datenvergleich 3 mal hintereinander (jede Sekunde) fehlerhalft
  2. Hardwareveriegelung defekt: Prüfung der HW-Verriegelung für Verstellung 4 mal hintereinander fehlerhaft
  3. RAM ECC Fehler: Nach 8 maliger Wiederholung ECC Prüfung Fehler noch vorhanden
  4. Steuergerät ROM defekt: Nach 8 maliger Wiederholung bei Checksummen- und ECC-Prüfung Fehler noch vorhanden
  5. DataFlash ROM defekt: Nach 8 maliger Wiederholung bei Checksummen-Prüfung Fehler noch vorhanden
  6. Releaisfehler: Bei 8 erkannte Fehlern
  7. HW Verriegelung Sitzheizung defekt: Prüfung der HW-Verriegelung für Sitzheizung 5 mal hintereinander fehlerhaft.

  1. Неисправность NVRAM/EE: если сравнение данных NVRAM не удается 3 раза подряд (каждую секунду)
  2. Неисправность аппаратного замка: тест аппаратного замка на регулировку не удался 4 раза подряд
  3. Ошибка RAM ECC: после 8 повторных проверок ECC ошибка все еще присутствует
  4. Неисправность ПЗУ блока управления: ошибка сохраняется после 8 повторений проверки контрольной суммы и ECC
  5. Неисправность ПЗУ DataFlash: ошибка сохраняется после 8 повторений проверки контрольной суммы
  6. Ошибки реле: 8 обнаруженных ошибок
  7. Неисправность аппаратного замка подогрева сиденья: Тест аппаратного замка подогрева сиденья не пройден 5 раз подряд.

вообщем два варианта - ошибка в проце или ошибка обвязки. обвязки внутри блока или на сиденье.