722.9 ISM Continental Ошибка P179D85 Сработала запасная система для DIRECT SELECT

7G Tronic
so which block is that? Siemens or Continental? correct two bytes of the continental, asked the other day to look at the dump, compared it with those lying around on the forums, it became funny from "obviousness", corrected, it works ... and there are blocks of the continental that "vediamo" helped, they work.
any possibility to get som help/info on this? i tried to edit two bits in line 21 74 but i dont have access, ist this the line and how to get access to write?
это закрытый раздел , где только электронщики обсуждают ремонт. вы не пишите никакой информации о своей проблеме, кроме цифр ошибок и поиска каких-то разблокировок.
it is a x164 and a year ago it suffered from a faulty ism, a "new" used virgin was bought but at startup we had some issues and we needed help by teamviewer to get it sortet. a year later the same happend again. drove car home and next day its not possible to change gear. reading out error codes made me wonder that its not realy a hardware issue but a software lock.
error is 1904 hall sensor, 1974 notfallpfad ist ausgelost, 1994 notfallpfad zykluszahler 100.
i have both ism and it is the exact same issue with both. so i removed the cover and moved the lever manual to N possition and deleted error and then only 1994 notfallpfad zykluszahler 100 is remaining. anew ism from factory is in N and should not be mover before correct setup
i have information that it is possible to edit eeprom , but i dont have tool right now but it is ordered.
but i have read in other forum that it is possible to edit eeprom via uds like to make AMG menu in cluster. so i started investigating in vediam and read a lot of information on how uds language is.
the biggest issue is that i have not found any information about what and where things are stored. i then started playing around in monaco. information was the same but there i found what i belive can be a hint to the address i am locking for.
there is a line called "(21) PRND ..... P im pfhellerfald " and it refers to comand 0x21 74 and gives the reply 0x61 74 00 01 44 82 00 0000 65
i wanted to try to edit the 65 (101) but i dont get access to write. (ism number 2 has 64 stored)
i have been searching around the internett for information and files with access and other hints that could lead into a fix, but almost everywhere i find something of interest the files and links are dead even if they are not so old. i think maybe Mercedes have cleaned up some copy protected data. this made me think i should try to search in a different region of the world
i have photos also but they dont show much more than i have explain , but if needed i can post them
my biggest drawback about buying a new dsm is that if i figure this out what should i do with 3 working units?
нет информации ни о блоке, ни о машине! блоки двух вариантов! скринштом версии блока из DAS приложите....
is this ok?


  • das info IMG_2353.jpg
    das info IMG_2353.jpg
    505.5 KB · Просмотров: 336
  • ism.jpg
    272.4 KB · Просмотров: 202
yes that is how i also read the picture.
and the spesial cff file you are referance to only flash the section of eeprom containing the counter and not the other information stored?
but key question is where to get this files from, you know someone or a place. offcourse i understand that ever information is not for free
can anyone help and explain where the eeprom should be edited to remove the counter limit?
attached is the eeprom readout of a ism that i did to test the new tool. this might have a faulty hall sensor.

кто-нибудь может помочь и объяснить, где нужно отредактировать eeprom, чтобы убрать ограничение счетчика?
прилагается чтение eeprom ism, которое я сделал, чтобы протестировать новый инструмент. это может быть неисправный датчик холла.

Continental это DSM и eeprom там размером 4 кб
it is a siemens VDO ISM picture in post above.
сообщение автоматически приклеено:

ism etter programering.jpg

ok so now i atleast can confirm that the line i was asking for in uds comand 21 74 was changed when writing virgin dump to ism.
the error conter 100 was now removed. i only have hall sensro error(i knew this from my bench testing). i had some issues on initial startup in DAS and had to use vediamo instead, car wont start now so i am wondering if i should do the same operation with the second ism i have that did not have the hallsensor error when moved to N only the 100 count error.
have anyone tried to erase, personalise, activate ism with VVDI?
Последние изменения:
так какой блок то? сименс или континенталь? континенталь два байта поправить, попросили на днях дамп посмотреть, сравнил с валявшимися на форумах, смешно стало от "очевидности", поправил, работает... и есть блоки континенталь которым "ведиамо" помогла, работают.
Добрый день ! можете помочь с правкой дампа ?
на днях ,пытались на месте обнулить ,привязать блок .. положительного результата добиться не получилось .придеться как то на подьемник и снимать блок и читать в прогере . по цене если что примерно?